
Bike rider safety

You should always exercise good business judgement when offering delivery services to ensure your safety and those of other Canadian residents!

To stay safe, all bike riders must understand and obey road rules, ride respectfully alongside other motorists and ensure that their bike is maintained to a high standard at all times. With additional requirements such as helmets and reflectors, riders must always be prepared for their ride to ensure that they can safely share the road with motorists. 

Understand the road rules

Bike riders must adhere to the same road rules that also apply to cars and motor vehicles. These rules include:

  • Bike riders must stop at a red light
  • A bicycle lane must be used when available
  • Left and right turns should be indicated
  • Your mobile phone must be secured in a commercially designed holder fixed to the bike

However, bicycle rules differ depending on the province, so take some time to familiarise yourself with the relevant bicycle road rules where you perform deliveries.



British Columbia

Newfoundland and Labrador

Prince Edward Island

Nova Scotia

New Brunswick




Be aware of hazards

Ensure maximum safety when riding by continuously scanning the environment for potential hazards that may cause a crash. Assess the road for any uneven surfaces, potholes, gaps and debris, and look over your shoulder periodically to check for anything behind you. It is generally recommended that you don’t wear headphones while riding, to ensure complete alertness and to allow for quick reaction time. When riding, remember to:

  • See and hear any road hazards. This may include pedestrians, motorists, other bike riders and the surrounding environment
  • Think about potential problems and anticipate how you would avoid them
  • Do what you feel is best for your safety while abiding by road rules

Hazards such as extreme weather conditions and driving at night can be dangerous. Read our article on delivering in lowlight conditions for more information on hazards.

Be alert when riding 

Tips to stay alert while riding include:

  • Signal your intentions to other road users and scan behind you before changing lanes and making turns 
  • Make eye contact with other road users can help let them know that you’re there
  • Look out for other road users – particularly when they are approaching you from behind or pulling out in front of you.
  • Watch out for drivers and passengers opening doors out of parked cars
  • Avoid riding on the inside of larger vehicles such as buses and trucks – the drivers can’t see you and these vehicles may be turning which will require more space than a normal car.

Secure your bike

Bike theft is a common occurrence, below are some tips to keep your bike safe while picking up and delivering food:

  • Secure your bicycle when unattended.
  • Carry a good bicycle lock and secure the wheels and the frame.
  • Try to use bicycle parking facilities when they are available.
  • Always lock your bicycle to a permanent fixture that cannot be manipulated to remove the lock.
  • Remove all non-fixed items, potentially including lights, pumps etc.

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