How to use chat tags

What are chat tags?

You can start a live chat during your delivery if you need support.* 

To start a live chat, tap “Need More Help?” in the Help Centre, and you’ll see a list of chat tags.  Simply select the applicable tag to open a chat window with the courier support team.

How to use chat tags when you are on your way to the Partner location:

If you face issues when navigating to the restaurant, you will have three chat options available to you;

Trouble navigating: Tap this chat tag if you have GPS issues, cannot locate the restaurant, or are unable to update your delivery status. If you are in slow-moving traffic, you don’t have to contact support, our system will automatically recognize this.

Unable to pick up order: You should select this tag only if you want the order to be removed immediately. This may be due to reasons such as a sudden illness, a vehicle issue, a family/personal emergency or, if at any time during the delivery, you don’t want to continue with the order. If you choose this tag, we will remove your order right away. 

Emergency/Safety Concern: Please use this chat tag if you have been directly involved in, or have witnessed, an accident during delivery, such as a car accident, assault, or robbery.

How to use chat tags when you are parked at the Partner location:

If you face issues when you arrive at the Partner location, you will have the following three chat options available to you;

Order collection issue: Use this chat tag for issues such as not seeing the order, another courier picking it up, the location being closed, or the customer collecting the order. Additionally, use it for reporting spills, poor packaging, oversized items, or mistakenly updating your status to Collected/In Transit while still at the Partner location. You can also use this tag if you are unable to update your status to Collected/In Transit after picking up.

Unable to pick up order: Use this chat tag if you have accepted the order but have not yet collected it. If you need the order removed due to reasons such as a sudden illness, a vehicle problem, or a family/personal emergency, select this tag. You can also tap this option when the order is not ready, or delayed by the Partner, and you want to remove it. 

Emergency/Safety Concern: Please use this chat tag if you have been directly involved in, or have witnessed, an accident during delivery, such as a car accident, assault, or robbery.

What has changed?

If you initiate a live chat with us while you are on your way to the restaurant, and choose the ‘Unable to pick up order’ chat tag, we will now automatically remove the order as soon as you choose the tag.

If you have any other issues with your order, but do not want the order removed, make sure to choose the other available tags.


*Your safety is important. Remember to only use a live chat when you can safely do so. 

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